Crafting,  Cricut Projects

DIY Holiday Glitter Funny Wine Glass

Who doesn’t love a hilarious wine pun? This DIY holiday glitter wine glass makes the perfect crafted gift! 

There is a full tutorial on how to make ombre glitter glasses on this post. However, below are the materials you would need for this particular craft! 


The steps below go over everything you need to know for this craft. I would suggest checking out the full tutorial for extra tips and tricks too!


    1. To make sure you have a straight edge for the tape, decide how far up you’d like the glitter to go and use a flat surface to mark it with tiny dots using the marker. I typically rest the marker on top of two DVD cases and make four dots around the glass.
    2. Place the tape on the glass connecting the dots to seal it off. Make sure to press down on the tape after to have it sealed against the glass.
    3. Take your brush and mod podge and paint the area where you would like to have glitter.
    4. Select the glitter you would like and begin to lightly pour over the glass onto a piece of paper, paper plate, etc. to catch the excess glitter.
    5. Optional – If you want to do an ombre look, pour glitter on the bottom of the glass first and work your way up, but stop about halfway between the bottom of the glass and where your tape begins. Leave that extra for the second color.
    6. Optional –  Add the second color if you are doing an ombre look.
    7. Place the glass to the side upside down and allow it to dry for at least an hour. I would typically let them sit longer, but leaving an hour in between didn’t make a difference.
    8. Repeat steps #4-6. Mod podge over the glitter and reapply more glitter in the areas you want it. As you paint the mod podge over, you’ll notice the paintbrush moves the glitter to blend the two colors more.
    9. Before you place the glass upside down, carefully remove the tape. I recommend doing this directly over a trashcan because the glitter will go everywhere.
    10. Once the tape is removed, place the glass upside down again to let dry.
    11. You will now add the sealing coats to the glitter. Go over all of the glitter carefully with mod podge. Let dry again.
    12. Go over the glitter one final time and let dry. I like to do the two coats to make sure it is completely sealed, but also the final sealed product is a little smoother with two coats.

Holiday Wine Pun SVG

You can download the Jingle Bells Wine file here. It is a zip file including an EPS, SVG, JPG, and PNG. Now you have all you need for your DIY Holiday Glitter Wine Glass!

DIY Holiday Glitter Wine Glass
DIY Holiday Glitter Wine Glass

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