How to make a Disney Movies Scratch-Off Poster
Have you ever wanted to try and watch all of the classic animated Disney movies? Just me? Oh well. Hopefully not! If you are like me and regularly realize how many movies you either haven’t seen or can’t remember at all, it might make you want to do a nice movie binge. That’s where the Disney Movies Scratch-Off Poster comes in.
Luckily, with Disney+ it makes it a lot easier to watch all of our favorite Disney movies! I decided that I wanted to make lockdown a bit more interesting and start going through all of the movies. However, I’m also a sucker for lists and being able to cross things off.
Do you want to watch all the Pixar movies too? I made a Pixar Scratch-Off Movies Poster too!
I remembered I had seen posters with classic movies, books, travel destinations, and more that were scratch-off posters. Once you complete one you scratch it off and reveal a colorful design underneath! Fortunately for me, I have a background in graphic design and a weird obsession with lists, so naturally I had to create my own!
I put together my own list with all of the movies attributed as a Disney animated classic. Each of the movies is represented by its own unique and colorful icon. I was so happy with how it turned out I decide to make it easy for anyone who wants to try to accomplish this same goal!
Simply download the PDF of the list. I made it so it fits on legal paper (8.5”x14”) so it is easy to print off at your house. Just make sure you don’t scale it at all. The circles are exactly 1” so that you can use these scratch-off circles from amazon. You can either pick silver or gold, I went with gold personally.
As I watch the movies I will be putting together fun little things for each! Love Snow White? You’ll find a complete list of fun merchandise for the movie, maybe a delicious snack, a fun cocktail, or even a creative Disney Bounding outfit!
We might not be able to get back to the magic in the parks for a while, but because of Disney+ you can bring some of the magic from the movies back into your home.
Do you have a favorite Disney movie you are looking forward to watching again? Maybe one that is surprising you have somehow never seen? Let me know in the comments!

One Comment
Where do I find the menus that go with the Pixar and Disney movies
I know you did it a while back but can I still get the menu ideas thanks
I know this is posting a comment but if you read this and can answer it could you email me.
I’m computer illiterate, email is all I know, thanks lol