5 Things I Learned Traveling to The Windy City: Tips for Chicago
I had been to the windy city once before, but that was almost 10 years ago. Clearly, things had changed. The more I read about the food and museums the more excited I got! I couldn’t wait to get there. Here are my tips for Chicago for what to avoid doing when you visit. Don’t reserve anything the day of your flight This is really more a “anywhere travel” tip, not just Chicago. We arrived at the airport at 5am only to find out our 7am flight was delayed by 3 hours. Typically I don’t plan anything that requires a reservation to close to landing time because you never know…
5 Mistakes I Made On My Last Disney Trip
I don’t care what trip you are taking – whether it is to Disney, Australia, or a road trip somewhere for a weekend, no vacation is perfect. You will have issues that are beyond your control and you need to be able to look past the imperfections and accept that it is a lesson for the next trip. The trip I took to Disney in September 2017 was no different. I already had some factors working against me. I had never planned a trip myself before. I had always gone with my family and my mother had done the majority (if not all) of the planning. The last time I…